- Software Products
Version 1.6.8
$25.00 US
Macintosh OS 10.x; Windows 2000, XP, Vista; x86-based Linux distributions with GTK+ 2.8
REALbasic 2009r3 or later
MagicSpeller for REALbasic (1 MB)
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MAGICSPELLER FOR REALBASIC is a collection of a REALbasic objects for use within the REALbasic development environment.
Using MagicSpeller, a developer can easily add a full-featured spell checker into their project in just a few minutes. Simply drag the MagicSpeller classes into your project, add the few lines of required code, and you're ready to go! There is simply no easier or faster way to implement cross-platform spell checking into REALbasic projects.INLINE OR DIALOG-BASED
MagicSpeller allows you to use a dialog-based spell check system as well as an inline system that checks spelling as you type. Both options provide a customizable number of suggested corrections that are automatically prioritized to maximize accuracy. Inline correction highlights misspelled words as the user types. The dialog based option allows for correcting multiple text fields or strings all at one time.HANDLES STYLED TEXT
MagicSpeller's dialog-based spell correction allows for the correction of styled text fields. Corrected words automatically maintain the previously set style of misspelled words to make corrections effortless. Additionally, multiple fields of styled text can be checked all at once so corrections are efficient and convenient.CROSS PLATFORM
The MagicSpeller system is completely cross-platform compatible; supporting both the REALbasic IDE and project builds on Macintosh and Windows. Truly an easy solution to code once and compile for your platform of choice.DICTIONARY CHOICES
Some foreign language and additional English dictionaries are available as a separate download.
French (138,237 words)
German (160,073 words)
Italian (60,453 words)
Spanish (86,061 words)
Icelandic (506,713 words)
British English: SCOWL 6 (97,669 words)
English: SCOWL 6 'lite' (77,676 words)
English: YAWL 3 (264,058 words)TRY BEFORE YOU BUY
Download the current version of MagicSpeller to access a fully-funtioning demo so that you can try MagicSpeller before you purchase a license (some limitations apply while in demo mode, please view the included 'read me' file for more information).Download package includes MagicSpeller components, user manual, base dictionary (103,421 words) and sample project.